
  • Deep Tissue Massage

    Recommend for help with chronic aches, pains and contracted muscles such as a stiff neck, upper & lower back pain, leg muscle tightness and sore shoulders

    45 or 75 minutes

  • Reflexology

    A relaxing therapy.

    The practice and purpose go deeper than just the skin and muscles by taking specific reflex points on the foot to induce a healing response in corresponding organs and areas of the body

    60 minutes

  • Aromatherapy

    During the massage, essential oils are absorbed through the skin or can be inhaled. Health benefits include: a reduction of anxiety, depression and headache symptoms, reduced healing times, boost in energy levels and cognitive performance, sleep improvements, stronger immune system, improved digestion and circulation

    45 or 75 minutes

  • Indian Head Massage

    Involves a variety of techniques and pressures to massage the upper half of your back, shoulder, neck, head and face. Helps to rebalance the mind, body and spirit

    45 or 75 minutes

  • Hot Stones Massage

    Using volcanic black stones, Hot Stones Massage will help calm and relax your body while also giving you energy. Helps increase blood circulation, lymphatic system flow and release toxins

    75 minutes

  • Sports Massage

    Recommended for all athletes, from professionals to weekend warriors. Techniques used during this massage are specific to the athletes sport

    45 or 75 minutes

  • Natural Lift Facial Massage

    Helps to relieve deep tension whilst giving the facial muscles a lift. If the muscles have space to relax it also helps release potentially harmful toxins. Natural face lift without the need for surgery

    60 minutes

  • Pregnancy Massage

    A very relaxing treatment.

    Relieves tension in the back, shoulders, scalp, hands and feet of the future mummy, while hydrating and moisturising the skin

    75 minutes

  • Oncology Massage

    A special massage to safely help the body, mind and spirit of anyone who is dealing with cancer. Can bring a reduction in pain, anxiety, constipation, fatigue, nausea and muscle tension

    75 minutes