What to Expect

We start our meditation sessions with a welcome and introduction to the horses. We follow with an explanation of what to expect from the session.
The actual guided meditation session lasts between 30-40 minutes (very dependent on the horses).
When the horses first join in on a meditation, they seem to become quite itchy and need to have a good scratch. Once this is out of the way, they settle down and quite noticeably their energy drops. It becomes very quiet and still. They start to move their lips and their heads jerk a little and just like us on a long car journey, they just can't keep their eyes open any longer and close them. Their heads get lower and lower until they are so relaxed they have been known to stumble almost falling asleep standing. When they have had enough they start to come around slowly and stretch.
After the meditation has ended, we provide apples for you to give to the horses as a thank you.
We then have hot drinks and home made cake or biscuits with an opportunity to chat about the experience.
The video shows Otto meditating with our friend Nikki. This was her first time meditating with the horses. She had ridden all three of the other horses except Otto so didn't feel she had any particular connection to him.
She was profoundly moved when Otto quietly walked over to her and put his head next to hers for 10 minutes.
It's important to note the horses aren't trained to do this, they are invited to join in and the rest is up to them. If they choose to connect as Otto did here you can't help but feel something very special has taken place.